After's tradition. Way back in the olden days, Esther would whip up several huge batches of popcorn and kettles of syrup. Then Wells and all us kiddies would go to work forming the balls by the hundreds. Our neighborhood had an over abundance of trick-or-treaters. Many of whom would return repeatedly for the sticky concoctions. As Carol and I would be making our rounds we frequently heard delighted "spooks" shouting, "That's the house that gives the popcorn balls!" The scrumptious snacks were legendary in the Hidden Village subdivision. It was great fun making and giving out the best treat in the neighborhood. One year though, Wells decided he wanted to have just a little more fun. He tried offering a bit better prize. It was a great joke and well recieved until he brought one little tot to tears when she sobbed, "My mommy won't let me have a kitty." Nearly broke his heart. He went back to handing out popcorn balls.
These are the ones Bridgette gets.
I hadn't kept up this tradition in years. It was pretty fun. So does this count as "Me Time"? Hmmmmmm, juries still out.
Box-o-treats for the Utahn