Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pics From My Walks

Here are a few pics from last week's walks. This is the 13-year old huskey I rescued.  He'd been missing from his home for 4 days.  I'm guessing all the snow made it hard for him to find his way back.  Luckily for him, I ventured out for a walk and found paw prints in the snow leading to the backyard.  I found him sleeping under the trompoline.  I called the animal sheltor and they were able to hook me up with the owners.  Boy, were they delighted to have Sulu back. 
Bare pavement! Need I say more?  Today, I believe I'll be able to get a shot of dry pavement.  Woohoo.
And look at this cutie patootie I found one day.  As I was heading out, she was heading home from the Mallory's.
I owe you a few more photos, but I wimped out some days(just didn't care for the icy sidewalks) and stayed indoors on the eliptical.  Guess I'll have to take some pics of the family room for you.  :)  Just so you don't feel too cheated, here's a pic of the countdown chain that the lovebirds made.  And no, it's not counting down to Christmas.  As of today, it has 31 links left on it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Snow Day Fun!!!!!!

We couldn't pass up a yard full of "snowman" snow.  Let me introduce Pig In Idaho and Oleksandr(named after our waiter on the Royal Caribbean).

Be sure to look closely at our noses in the pictures with the snowpig. :)

This Overhaul is Bordering on Crisis

My year is over half over and I'm seriously behind on my hours.  I've been working on recommitting myself.  I had planned to up my excercise to 2 hours a day in order to catch up.  Great idea, right?
Ha! Not gonna happen just now. It happens that my lovely daughter, Heather, got engaged to a fine young man, David.  As you might guess, we're delighted.  They're great kids and they're crazy about each other.  In spite of the fact that we're delighted, we're in a bit of a panic.  Why?  They got engaged the night before Thanksgiving and will be married on January 8.  That's 38 days away!!!!!!!
  We're scrambling to pull it together. We've scheduled the temple, scheduled the church, bought a dress, made mints and made tons of plans in just one short week.  It's been pretty hectic, but it will all be worth it when it's all said and done.  Meanwhile, I'm committing myself to at least a short walk outdoors every day for the next 38 days.  I figure it will help me keep my sanity.  The 2 hours per day will have to wait until after the wedding. To prove that I've actually been out walking in this winter wonderland, I'll be taking at least one picture of my walk every day.  I may not post it daily, but I will post one from each day when I get the chance.
I didn't have to venture very far to find some worthy sights today.  We have just recieved the largest snow storm Boise has seen in years.  These pics were taken in my yard. It's absolutely gorgeous out their. 
I should probably refill the feeder.