So here's a quick rundown of my new goals. First and foremost is my exercise goal. I have set a goal of averaging 15 min. of exercise per day. It's much more modest than last year's goal, but this one, I think, is more doable for me. I'm going with the school of thought, "Set your goals so low that you are tempted to exceed them." So far I have managed to do just that for three weeks. That's not my own original thought. I heard it from some exercise guru, but I can't seem to remember who it was. My next goal is to set a new goal every two weeks. So for the next two weeks, I plan to exercise for at least 15 minutes EVERY day. Yes, even Sundays. However, Sundays may just entail a nice leisurely stroll home from church. Averaging 15 minutes per day is great, but I'm trying to form a habit here, so I think a daily routine might be more effective. Besides, from past experience, I know that when I do exercise daily, my body comes to expect it and even actually, believe it or not, want it.
For my "Me Time" goal, I plan, over the next two weeks, to finish one of the paintings I've started. Who knows? I may even exceed that goal too.
Oh, and one more thing, starting today, I'm going to take a photo of myself everyday, for the coming year and at the end of the year I'll make a slide show. I think this will be a great motivator as I want to be able to show progress. Now don't worry, although I know the I need this overhaul for cosmetic reasons, that's not my main goal. The goal is to get healthier and more fit and in my case, I can't improve in those areas very much without some weight loss. That should equal a cosmetic improvement as well.
So there you have it. Those are my immediate plans.