Monday, February 28, 2011

A Little Me Time

I decided to try my hand at painting with acrylics.  They have their good points, but my first love is still oils.  Here's what I came up with.  The colors didn't scan quite true. The blues are more purple,but they're close.
In January, I finished a painting of the newlyweds(more about them and the whole wedding business in a future post). I painted it with my beloved oils,
As soon as I get my nerve up, I'll be finishing another oil painting that for the moment is intimidating me.  When finished, it will hopefully hold a likeness of one of my favorite heros.
That's it for now.  I'm off to hit the eliptical. :) I believe it's a little lonely. :(

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm Baaaaaack

Well, my birthday is just three months from today and obviously, I haven't come close to staying on track.  I've recorded just 80 hours of exercise for the past nine months.  I have neglected to record some hours, but I have still fallen far short of my goal.  I could vow to reach that 365 hour mark by my birthday, but I'm afraid that's just not realistic.  So my goal for now is to simply get back on track.  So that's my plan. TTFN