Well, they did show up and they looked as though they were nearly as nervous as I was. They were loaded down with gifts and a mighty tasty bundt cake. They had invited "the neighbors" (my neice, Andrea, and her 2 adorable little boys.......you'll be hearing more about them) to join us for the party. Barb surprised me with a "Magic Bullet" and protein powder.
I've been putting it to good use and all I can say for now is, "Mmmmmmmm!" Carol gave me a fun new apron and some "Vitamin I".
By this point I was feeling a little like an outlaw in an ambush and thinking, "Definitely the mini tri. Ugh!" And, "How in tarnation am I going to get out of this?" And then, to my pleasant surprise, they gifted me with a $100 certificate to Sports
And if I used it by Mother's Day I would get and additional $25. This I could handle. Now all I had to do is decide how to spend the money. Carol suggested good running shoes, but I actually have a pair whether I look like I do or not. I just love my Teva's so much more. Now some people might be offended by gifts like this. They might take away the message, "You're a wreck. Now do something about it." But the message I got was, "You're a wreck and we know what you've been through. It's time you got to take care of yourself." You see, these amazing sister's of mine and my brother, Ted(he's amazing too), have been by my side through thick and thin these past couple of years. I can't begin to list all the things they've done for me, and how much their support has meant. They've rallied their little posse to right whatever problems they could. Whenever they saw a need, they were there without being asked. They couldn't fix everything, but they sure made it all MUCH, MUCH easier than it could have been. And now that I've set out to overhaul myself, they're right back here encouraging me along my way. It may take some mighty big guns to whip me into shape, but I know they have 'em and they're not afraid to use 'em.
Well, you let the horse (Kozi) buck you off so we had to aquire the arsenal. We love you! Thanks for the tears.
ReplyDeleteYou're not entirely off the mini tri hook.
ReplyDeleteYour sisters are the greatest!
ReplyDeleteYou can say that again, Tricia.
ReplyDeleteCarol-That's some pretty good incentive to get to where I can run fast enough that you can't catch me and make me do a mini tri.
Judy-As much as I appreciate your support, don't plan on me being the first one on a horse that you're training ever again.
You were the only one to ever "fall" off her. I really did a great job and you taught her what not to do. If I am ever able to do that again I know you'll volunteer.